Goals for the New Year

Another year has gone by and it’s been yet another challenging one at that. I blinked and we’re about to hit two years of this pandemic but I’m going to try to set some goals for myself that are sustainable to better myself in various ways. They are not necessarily resolutions because I find that it often doesn’t mean longevity and after a bit, you stop doing it.

  1. I’m going to try to drink more water. I have a hydro flask and I tend to drink maybe one bottle of it through a work day. My goal is to try to work towards drinking maybe two of it during a work day. I usually will have a glass of water in the morning with my vitamins, my hydro flask during the day, and then a glass of water in the evening. I do have maybe a tea or coffee sometime each day but I don’t count that towards my water intake. It will probably make my skin look better and make be feel better overall.
  2. The Welly bottle is something I use to steep my teas and keep it hot for the majority of the day. I’m not much of a coffee drinker but I do drink a lot of tea. It makes me feel better and it’s a good amount of caffeine; although I don’t really need the caffeine. It’s more of a treat for me. Something tasty to drink while I’m at work that’s not horrible for me.
  3. I picked a Kindle because I want to read more books this year. I picked it up again recently but need to make more of an effort to read a bit each day. Rather than watching tv or looking at my phone, I’ll try to work towards finishing more books this year.

4. Another goal I have is to continue being less wasteful. I make it a goal to try to use less plastic in our household, more reusable products, and just create less waste in general. I love reusable produce bags for grocery shopping and I want to invest in a good bento box for lunches I bring to work each day. We are big on leftovers so that we save money and don’t waste food so I want to get cute lunch boxes soon.

5. SPF, SPF, SPF. I am in love with Supergoop’s because it gives me this amazing glow. I often get asked if I’m wearing any makeup or highlighter when I don’t and it’s because of this SPF. Not only am I protecting my skin but it also looks great! I started wearing more SPF this year and I am definitely doing to continue next year. Gotta keep that youthful glow!

6. I started taking Pilates with my friend this Summer and we purchased a membership so that we can go about twice a week. I’ve been feeling great because we’ve added weekly Pilates to our routine.

7. My last goal is to try to organize the house more. I love the Container Store for storage and organization options. We have accumulated a lot of things in the house and I want to work on reorganizing all the clutter.

That’s all I got! What are your goals for the next year?!